Hello 👋

I'm Gibran

Undergraduate Informatics Engineering Student at Brawijaya University

This is My Profile Website!

About Me

My name is Gibran Hakim, an informatics engineering student at university of Brawijaya. I am deeply passionate about technology, with particularly focus on data science and web development. My expertise extends to UI/UX design, where I excel in creating interfaces that prioritize user convenience. Alongside these skills, I also have interest in the field of cybersecurity. My diverse skill set reflects my commitment to exploring the intersection of technology and user-centered design, emphasizing secure solutions rooted in data-driven approaches.

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(Schedule Web)

JawDas is a platform that helps students plan their pre-KRS schedule. Through the features provided, JawDas allows setting class schedules after pre-KRS, making it easier for students to determine courses without schedule conflicts.

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Image Encryption

Image Encryption using RSA & AES

Image encryption using RSA and AES involves a dual-layered security approach. RSA, an asymmetric encryption algorithm, is employed for key exchange and encryption of the AES symmetric key, ensuring secure transmission.

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WisataMalang (Tourism Web)

WisataMalang stands as the premier platform dedicated to uncovering the myriad hidden treasures nestled within the diverse array of tourist attractions sprawled across the enchanting landscape of Malang.

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(Recipe App)

Flavory is an app that is a loyal friend for culinary fans who want to explore the world of cooking more easily and creatively. With a collection of various food recipes and step-by-step guides, this application aims to help and make it easier for users in the world of cooking.

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